Sunday, 15 July 2012

Hisbah Gathering

set up the refreshment
discussion among the Hisbah

presentation by President of the Hisbah
Hisbah Representative Committee (HRC) of Mahallah Umar Al Khattab and Fatimah Az Zahra

On 15 July 2012, MRC UMAFZ had organized a Hisbah Gathering in order to give information to the HRC about management of  the Hisbah and activity that can be conducted with the Hisbah residents.

Bro Taifunisyam Taib as the Principal had been invited to explained about activities procedures and guidelines to all of the HRC.

Monday, 9 July 2012

MRC Leadership Training Camp

Human Tower

waiting for speaker
MRC CFS IIUM 2012/2013

Treasure Hunt

MRC Mahallah Abu Bakar with RMDD staff, Sr Emelia
MRC brothers with Principal , Ustaz Hasanul Basri
Baiah session
Talk by Bro Shamsuddin, Human Science lecturer

discussion on LOCUS proposal paper
Principals and Deputy Dean of RMDD with speaker

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Bureau's role and action play

assalamualaikum guys. today, we would like to share the MRC jobscope according to each bureau. let's take a glance towards it

  1. to make research on students’ lifestyle, drawbacks, problems and their solution
  2. to programme on personal hygiene and cleanliness amongst the students
  3. to carry out cultural activities according to the needs of the students
  4. to keep inventory of the facilities and ensure their safety and maintenance
  5. to organise programmes on arts and culture, for example: cooking, sewing, handicraft and others


  1. to publish mahallah buletin or written tazkirah for the students
  2. to coordinate the students’ spiritual and personality development programmes
  3. to ensure smooth running of the musolla and other prayer rooms
  4. to organise religious talk and dakwah activites
  5. to provide spiritual guidance and counseling among the “needy” students such as problem in prayer, tilawah etc


  1. to ensure the residents are abiding the regulations set by the university
  2. to investigate any disciplinary problems among students and report to advisor/principal
  3. to organize sport-check on any relevant matters, from time to time and whenever necessary
  4. to arrange spot-check on students “business” activities in the mahallah
  5. to organise programme on personal security and safety belongings
  6. to organise programme/campaigns pertaining to discipline, cleanliness of college and the rules & regulations of the college and the university
  7. to keep reports on all lost and found within the mahallah


  1. to publish mahallah buletin/newsletter/blog/facebook or magazine
  2. to organize programmes/talks on education
  3. to organise educational visits
  4. to ensure smooth running of the study rooms/mini library


  1. to keep inventory of all sports equipment and ensure maintenance
  2. to look into the proper utilization of the game area
  3. to be responsible for the landscaping works within the mahallah
  4. to determine  sport attire which is permissible in iium to be used during sports activities
  5. to organise programme on sports and recreation, for example games, physical fitness, campaign, jungle trekking


  1. to identify and provide mechanism to help needy students
  2. to arrange donations (of any kinds) amongst the students
  3. to ensure that overall facilities in the mahallah are in good condition of facilities are toilets, tables, chairs, settee etc
  4. to identify various facilities required by the mahallah residents
  5. to take note to any reports on facilities required by the mahallah residents
  6. to organise of fire drills and safety around college
  7. to liase with counseling unit for counseling clinics/peer counseling
  8. to be responsible on information placed on the notice boards within the mahallah
  9. to receive reports/complaints from the students, to conduct survey, to come up with suggestion and to organize inspection on the outlets run in the mahallah such as canteen, photocopy centre, laudry coin service centre and cyber cafe
last but not least, we hope that the mahallah residents will help us to lead and manage these mahallat. wassalam.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Mahallah Representative Committee Line Up 2012/2013 session

assalamualaikum brothers and sisters
at last, we managed to update this blog
we introduce you the latest Mahallah Representative line up for Mahallah Umar Al Khattab and Fatimah Az-Zahra for this 2012/2013 session
if you have any problem regarding the mahallah
do not hesitate to contact us

to those who live in Mahallah Umar Al Khattab and Fatimah Az Zahra
feel free to join this group Umafz Citizens Voice